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Brushing Fido’s Teeth
May 12, 2022

Dental problems are a very widespread issue among our canine companions. They can also be extremely dangerous! Fido can develop a variety of problems with his choppers, including abscesses, infections, and gum disease. One of the best things you can do for your furry bff to keep his teeth healthy would be to brush them. That may not sound fun, but it may be easier than you think! A local Bellaire, TX vet discusses brushing your dog’s choppers in this article.

Start Young

If you can start your four-legged pal’s training while he’s still young, you definitely have the upper paw. It’s much easier to teach a puppy to think of dental care as a normal part of life than it is to try and get an older pooch on board with the idea!

Be Casual

Start by sneaking Fido’s training into your normal cuddle sessions. Pet your pup, and scratch his ears. Then, gently rub his teeth and gums with your finger. Start slowly, and be very gentle.

Pick The Right Products

Only use products that were specifically made for Man’s Best Friend. Our toothbrushes are angled in a way that is helpful for us, but won’t work well for dogs’ teeth. Plus, our toothpastes often contain things that aren’t safe for Fido.

Offer Rewards

One way to get your canine companion on board? Sweeten the deal by offering a yummy snack and, of course, lots of praise and ear scritches.

Don’t Overdo It

If Fido starts to get uneasy or wiggle away, don’t force him. Just let him go and try another day. You don’t want your pooch to form bad associations with having his teeth brushed!

Check Him Out

When brushing your furry pal’s teeth, look for warning signs that something is wrong. Swelling, abscesses, tartar buildup, and bleeding gums are a few red flags. Bad breath is also an indication that Fido needs his choppers checked. If you notice any of these symptoms in Fido’s mouth, it’s important to seek professional help; learn more about our ‘Veterinary Dentistry’ services to keep your pet’s teeth healthy

Make It Routine

This will be easier for both you and your pooch if Fido sees toothbrushing time as part of his daily doggy routine. Try to do this night, at roughly the same time.


You don’t have to do Fido’s entire mouth every night. Just do one segment at a time, and keep rotating. He’ll still benefit!

Our Advice on Brushing Fido’s Teeth in 2024

Why should you brush your dog’s teeth?

Brushing your dog’s teeth is crucial for preventing dental problems that are not only common but can also be dangerous for your pet. Regular brushing helps to remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of gum disease, infections, and tooth abscesses. These dental issues can lead to more serious health complications if left untreated. Additionally, maintaining oral hygiene through brushing can combat bad breath, making those close cuddles more enjoyable. It’s an essential part of your dog’s overall healthcare routine, helping to ensure a happier, healthier life.

When is the best time to start brushing your dog’s teeth?

The best time to start brushing your dog’s teeth is when they are a puppy. Early introduction to dental care sets the foundation for a lifelong habit, making it easier for your pup to accept brushing as a normal part of their routine. Starting young helps prevent dental problems before they begin and acclimates your dog to the sensation of having their teeth and gums touched, making the process smoother for both of you as they grow. However, it’s never too late to start if you have an older dog.

What is the actual technique for brushing a dog’s teeth?

To brush your dog’s teeth, start by choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for dogs. Introduce your pet to the taste of the toothpaste by letting them lick it off your finger. Gently lift their lips to expose the teeth and gums. Use the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to clean the teeth, focusing on the outer surfaces where plaque tends to accumulate. Brush in a circular motion, being cautious around the gumline to avoid irritation. Initially, aim for short sessions, gradually increasing as your dog becomes more comfortable. Consistency is key, so try to incorporate it into your daily routine. If you’re in Bellaire, TX, and need further guidance or a demonstration, our clinic is here to help.

Are there alternatives to brushing?

Yes, there are alternatives to brushing your dog’s teeth that can help maintain dental health. These include dental chews and toys designed to reduce plaque and tartar buildup through the natural action of chewing. Water additives and dental diets formulated to promote oral health are also effective. However, while these alternatives can complement dental care, they should not replace regular brushing entirely. It’s best to use a combination of methods for optimal dental health. For personalized recommendations, consider consulting with your veterinarian.

Are certain breeds more prone to dental issues?

Yes, certain breeds are more prone to dental issues, particularly small breeds and those with shorter snouts. Breeds such as Dachshunds, Yorkshire Terriers, and Bulldogs often experience more dental problems due to their smaller jaw size, leading to crowded teeth that can increase plaque and tartar buildup. Additionally, breeds with brachycephalic (flat-faced) features, like Pugs and Shih Tzus, may also have misaligned teeth, making them susceptible to dental issues. Regular dental care is crucial for these breeds to prevent the onset of oral diseases.

Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? For more detailed guidance on how to prepare for and what to expect from your veterinary visits, check out our article on ‘Taking Fido To The Vet.’ Contact us, your Bellaire, TX animal clinic, today!